The years I spent doing my post-bacc for medical school were some of the most lonely, isolating, dark and terrifying times of my life. My favorite thing to do was walk the mile and a half back and forth from Hunter College to my apartment albeit at all hours of the day and night, struggling with 20lbs of books, clothes that hadn't been washed since the last exam period, and thoughts of cellular respiration and nucleophilic attacks running through my head.
I always looked forward to my walk. I have learned that the extremely small things in life will get any pre-med/med student excited beyond belief. I was no exception. What got me through was that once a day I would walk past Temple Shaaray Tefila to see the inspirational words, quote or phrase that had posted on the wall of the shul and I knew I would be ok for the next few hours. I would find it to be so reassuring and therapeutic to whatever I was going through at the time.
Last night I found myself walking home late at night realizing that I would be shortly passing the synagogue that I found such daily inspiration in. I was excited beyond belief to see what message was left for me to read and ponder for the rest of my walk home. And here is what I found...
250 East 79th Street
At Second Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10021
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