I hate feeling the pressure to write. It's why I could never actually be a writer. I studied copywriting and journalism in undergrad but whenever the pressure was on I would find myself lost in a mess of profound confusion, staring at a blank sheet of white paper. I find myself in that place once again. I have so many thoughts swirling around and I have so much that I want to share. But for now that is all you get! How do you overcome writers block?
Image: LeLove |
Step away from the white paper. Instead, put it in your purse (in the form of a journal)and keep living, but make strategic choices to experience new things that might stimulate you: Museum, music, random events, talk to strangers, and keep an ipod with you. This has worked for me. I do the above alone, so that if something occurs to me, I dont have interference, and can sit down where I am and start the flow. These are little ways to jumpstart you. Why do you feel pressure - are you under deadline, or are you forcing yourself to come up with something?